American Express, MTE
MTE is a suite of software tools and web applications (IBM WebSphere/DB2) for collecting run-time information and mapping the enterprise network topology, service path, applications and server inventory. It also provides support for service requesting, workflow control, reporting and capacity planning.
  Southwest Research Institute, SwRI IDE
SWRI IDE is an engine-design simulation software that provides an integrated development environment for engine-design simulation. It integrates a suite of simulation tools and provide an easy-to-use graphical user interface.
  Galacy e-Commerce ASP Platform, Galacy EBIZ
We teamed up with Make-A-Store to develop a full J2EE implementation of e-commerce web applications, (Storefront, Auction, B2B/Affiliate and Merchant Network, etc.) for Galacy Inc. of New York.
  China Telecom, China Enterprise Online
China Telecom's China Enterprise Online ( is main portal site and B2B eBusiness platform. It provide a technical platform to help millions of Chinese enterprises to get online.

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