Our Services  
Easisoft Services Scopes
Project outsourcing, we develop outsourcing software project on per project base or work closely with clients or partners on sub-system base; The areas include e-business applications, large enterprise system integration, middleware, SCM and ERP implemetation, and embedded software development
Technology Infrastructure Outsourcing, Easisoft offers the following technology infrastructure services:
- Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO): We operate, maintain & manage your IT infrastructure.
- Platform Migration: We help adapt your existing mainframe & complex client/server systems to an open-architecture, net-centric environment.
- Managed Hosting: We support hardware & software infrastructure, managed & network services. .

Application Development and Customization based on our existing products such as EasiPATH ™ ePOS, eSCM, eBusiness and eProcess. We provide application software development and customization. Our services include system analysis , prototyping, design, coding, integration, testing, installation and technical training;

Contract Professional Services, we provide experienced engineers to work at our clients’ sites for technical consulting and system development;
Platforms and Technology
  Computer Methodology: OOA, OOD, Booch, METHOD1
  C/C++, C++ Libraries (ACE, Tools.h++, DBTools.h++, MFC)
  Databases (Oracle, Sybase, Informix, MS SQL Server, Essbase, DB 2)
  OODB (Objectivity)
  ODBC, JDBC, Embedded SQL
  Distributed System/Networking, Corba (Orbix), COM/DCOM
  Web Servers (Apache, MS IIS, Tom-Cat)
  Application Servers (Weblogic, Orion, Oracle9iAS, IBM Websphere, JBoss)
  Java (jBuidler,Visual Age for Java, Visual Café, Visual J++), Servlet, J2EE, EJB
  Java Script, ASP, PHP3, JSP, Perl
  UNIX (SUN Solaris, HP/UX, Sequent, SGI), Linux (Red Hat, Turbo Linux)
  Windows NT/2000, OS/2, DOS, VAX (VMS), IBM Mainframes (CMS/MVS)
  MS Access, Delphi, Visual Basic, Lotus Notes
GIS: Arc/Info, Mapinfo

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